(社)日本鉄鋼協会 社会鉄鋼工学部会 鉄鋼業と循環型社会の動態フォーラム(Aフォーラム)では、11月17日(金)に下記の講演会を開催します。講演者はいずれも、ヨーロッパにおいて環境影響評価手法であるライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)に従事している第一線の研究者です。 今回は、特に素材のリサイクルとLCAに関連した講演を依頼しております。ご興味のある方は、ご参集ください。参加費は無料です。 なお、本講演会は、フォーラムメンバー以外の一般の方も参加可能でございますので、お早めに参加申し込み頂くようお願い申し上げます。定員(20名ほど)に達し次第、締め切ります。
1.日 時: | 2006年11月17日(金) 14:00~17:30 | 2.場 所: | (社)日本鉄鋼協会第1&2会議室(東京都千代田区神田司町2-2 新倉ビル2階) TEL:03‐5209‐7013 FAX:03‐3257‐1110 地図をご参照ください。 |
3.プログラム【講演概要(予定)】 | Agenda (Tentative) | 14:00~14:05 | Opening Address | Dr. Y. Matsuno (University of Tokyo) | 14:05~15:00 | "The Value of Recycling to Society and its Internalization into LCA Methodology" | Dr. Lionel Aboussouan (International Iron and Steel Institute) | 15:00~15:55 | "Design for Environment and Life Cycle Assessment at DaimlerChrysler - Experiences and results" | Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner (DaimlerChrysler AG) | 15:55~16:10 | Break | 16:10~17:05 | "The European LCA Database project in support of business and government | Marc-Andree Wolf, (European Commission) | 17:05~17:30 | Discussions on LCA and material recycling | Chaired by Prof. A. Inaba (University of Tokyo) |
4. 参加費: | 無料 | 5.定 員: | 20名 | 6.申込締切: | 2006年11月15日(水) 定員になり次第締め切らせて頂きます。 | 7.参加申込み: | 参加希望の方は、E-MailまたはFAXにて、氏名、所属、連絡先(電話、FAX、E-Mail)を明記の上、下記宛お申込みください。 | | |
問合せ・申込み先: 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 松野泰也 電子メール: matsuno@material.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Workshop on LCA and its application to material recycling Sponsored by The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Agenda (Tentative) | 14:00~14:05 | Opening Address | Dr. Y. Matsuno (University of Tokyo) | 14:05~15:00 | "The Value of Recycling to Society and its Internalization into LCA Methodology" | Dr. Lionel Aboussouan (International Iron and Steel Institute) | 15:00~15:55 | "Design for Environment and Life Cycle Assessment at DaimlerChrysler - Experiences and results" | Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner (DaimlerChrysler AG) | 15:55~16:10 | Break | 16:10~17:05 | "The European LCA Database project in support of business and government | Marc-Andree Wolf, (European Commission) | 17:05~17:30 | Discussions on LCA and material recycling | Chaired by Prof. A. Inaba (University of Tokyo) |
Outlines of the presentations | 1) | "The Value of Recycling to Society and its Internalization into LCA Methodology" by Dr. Lionel Aboussouan | Recycling is an important activity of developed economies, which creates a dynamic resource of secondary raw materials. Because recycled materials (e.g. steel scrap) are usually chemically close to the material itself, they require less energy and have a lesser impact on the environment than the same materials produced from virgin sources. Recycling, however, is not fully integrated in LCA. There is much freedom left to the LCA practitioner to choose how to take recycling into account, which is somewhat paradoxical as LCA is often used to define policy and therefore ought to be based on a unbiased description of recycling as a practice. The author proposes a methodology for taking recycling into account within LCA tools with the view of meeting this reality criterion. The proposal is centered on the multiple-recycling model, which best describes the practical way that materials are actually recycled in the economy. The model centers on a set of iron units, which originate from virgin raw material, are then used in the economy and are finally recycled over and over again. Some material is "lost" at each step for recycling, but not for the Life Cycle Inventory, as it goes through its end-of-life whenever it leaves the recycling loop. This is what constitutes the functional unit on which the LCA is carried out. From a practical standpoint, the results obtained for this complex functional unit are attributed to steel on the basis of a specific value (e.g. t of CO2 per t of steel), which amounts to averaging the impact over the various steps of the recycling process on a weighted average basis, depending on the amount of material recycled at each step. | 2) | "Design for Environment and Life Cycle Assessment at DaimlerChrysler -Experiences and results" by Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner (DaimlerChrysler AG) | DfE and LCA are used by DimlerChrylser since more than ten years. The presentation will include a general introduction to the DfE and LCA work atDaimlerChrysler including the environmental certificate of the S-Class and an introduction to our DfE-Tool in which we perform LCA and recycling planning. Experiences and results for different case studies will be explained. Examples are relevant issues for concept decisions between steel and other materials based on LCA and specific issues with regard to theend-of-life phase. | 3) | "The European LCA Database project in support of business and government" Marc-Andree Wolf, (European Commission) | The European Commission's project "European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment" (EP-LCA) supports life cycle thinking in product development and in a broad range of European policies. The project is conducted in the context of the European Commission's Thematic Strategies on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste and on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, as well as the Integrated Product Policy Communication (IPP). It will develop the European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD) with predominantly industry-approved Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data for main materials, energy carriers, transport, and waste management. This will be integrated with recommended Life Cycle Impact Assessment factors, both in a common reference LCA format. Further a handbook wil be developed on recommended LCA practice for goal and scope definition, data collection, modeling, analysis, interpretation, documentation, and review. Finally an LCA Info Hub with a detailed, searchable directory of LCA services, tools, databases, and providers is put online. See also http://lca.jrc.ec.europa.eu. Among the methodological issues, that require across-industry agreement on methodological guidance is the topic "Recycling" in its many different situations and possible approaches that often strongly influences the result of an LCA study. Together with industry and other stakeholders a goal and scope dependent guideline for how to model recycling in LCA will hence be developed. |