News (2022)
- 05/12/2022
- Free of Registration Fee for Students at ISIJ Meeting
- 30/09/2022
- Nomination for the Sawamura Awards and Guimarães Award
- 30/09/2022
- Announcement of the winners of the paper awards to be presented in 2023
- 19/02/2022
- The site of the 184th ISIJ Meeting has been released.
- 10/08/2022
- The timetable and program of the 184th ISIJ Meeting are released.
- 13/06/2022
- “Tetsu-to-Hagané” Newly Indexed in DOAJ
- 31/05/2022
- Participation registration of the 184th ISIJ autumn meeting is now available on the website.
- 28/01/2022
- The timetable and program of the 183rd ISIJ Meeting are released.
- 21/01/2022
- Due to worsening situation of COVID-19 infection, the 183rd ISIJ Spring Meeting will be held online.