Bulletin & Journal
Bulletin of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (Ferrum)
ISIJ's bulletin Ferrum first appeared in January 1996 with the aim of providing members with information on ISIJ activities, and iron and steel and their peripheral technologies. Ferrum is the Latin for iron, Fe.
The bulletin targets readers in a broad range of fields related to iron and steel, and features review articles on iron and steel technology, topical events, photographs, graphs and commentaries, information on the activities of the Academic Society and the Technical Society, and ISIJ regional office information. To provide information that can satisfy the needs of members, the bulletin is planned and edited by the Editorial Board consisting of members selected from iron and steel and other relevant fields, and is distributed monthly to members.
Tetsu-to-HaganéClick here for the journal website
The Japanese-language journal Tetsu-to-Hagané, first published in 1915, is the representative ISIJ journal. By 1995, it had served both as a journal and as a bulletin. But, with the appearance in January 1996 of Ferrum, it has come to be published solely as a journal. It carries articles by members and review articles the Editorial Board selects or requests. It thus gives members an opportunity to publish their research results and also distributes information to members.
ISIJ InternationalClick here for the journal website
The journal ISIJ International first appeared in 1961 under the title Tetsu-to-Hagané Overseas. The title was changed in 1966 to Transactions of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and again in 1989 to the current ISIJ International. This journal published in English is a collection of the papers contributed not only by members but also by researchers in Japan and abroad, and also contains review articles written at the request of the Editorial Board. Editing is done by both the domestic Editorial Board and an international Advisory Board composed of distinguished research authorities abroad. Popular topics and papers presented at the international conferences sponsored by ISIJ are featured.
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The copyright of the publications (including electronic media such as CD-ROM) edited and published by The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan belongs to the Institute.
Procedures for Permission to Reproduce in Journals Published by ISIJ
Articles published in the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) journals, Tetsu-to-Hagané and ISIJ International, were licensed under CC BY-NC-ND or CC BY from the 10th issue in 2020.
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