Event Calendar 2009
February 12-14 | InternationalSymposium on "Rock Mechanics and Geo-Environment in Mining and AlliedIndustries" Varanasi, India. Banaras Hindu University http://www.itbhu.ac.in/min/conferences/rgma/rgma09.html |
February 15-19 | TMS2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibition California, U.S.A. The Minarals, Metals & Materials Society(TMS) http://www.tms.org/Meetings/Annual-09/AnnMtg09Home.html |
March 15-19 | ASIAMining Congress2009 Singapore. Terrapinn Pte Ltd http://www.terrapinn.com/2009/asiamining |
March 25-28 | Energy Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry(EECRsteel2009) Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Mining and Metallurgical Society(OMBKE) and Steel Institute VDEh http://www.eecrsteel.com → This conference was canceled |
March 28-30 | #157th ISIJ Meeting Tokyo, Japan. Iron and Institute of Japan (ISIJ) http://www.isij.or.jp/E_Katsudo/E_Koen/e_index.htm |
April 19-21 | 15thAnnual World Steel Conference The Imperial Riading School, Vienna, Austria. CRU Event http://www.worldsteelconference.com |
May 4-7 | AISTech2009: The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition Missouri, U.S.A.The Association for Iron & SteelTechnology(AIST) http://www.aist.org/ |
May 18- 21 | 2009SEAISI Conference & Exhibition Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.SouthEast Asia Iron and Steel Institute http://www.seaisi.org/html/ |
May 24-27 | AsiaSteel 2009 Busan, Korea http://www.AsiaSteel2009.org |
June 28-1 | EuropeanMetallurgical Conference 2009 Innsbruck, Austria. The Australasian Institute of Mining &Metallurgy (The AusIMM) http://www.emc.gdmb.de/ |
July 27-29 | IronOre 2009 Perth, WA. The Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (TheAusIMM) http://www.ausimm.com.au/ironore2009/ |
August 18-20 | FirstInternational Conference on AerospaceScience & Engineering(ICASE-2009) Islamabad, Pakistan. Institute of Space Technology http://www.ist.edu.pk |
August 23-26 | COM2009 – Conference for Metallurgists Sudbury, Canada. The Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy(The AusIMM) http://www.metsoc.org/com2009/index.asp |
September 9-11 | 33rdIABSE Symposium Bangkok, Thailand. International Association for Bridge and StructuralEnginnering http://www.iabse.org/conferences/bangkok2009PI/index.php |
September 9-11 | WorldTribology Congress2009(WTC IV) Kyoto, Japan. Japanese Society of Tribology(JAST) http://www.wtc2009.jp/ |
September 13-16 | 6thInternational Symposium on Scale Modeling (ISSM-6) Kauai, Hawaii USA. http://york-me.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/issm6/ |
September 15-17 | #158thISIJ Meeting Kyoto, Japan. Iron and Institute of Japan (ISIJ) http://www.isij.or.jp/E_Katsudo/E_Koen/e_index.htm |
September 21-23 | 2009International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. The Minarals, Metals & MaterialsSociety(TMS) http://www.tms.org/Meetings/meetings.asp |
September 21-22 | 12thAnnual Central and Eastern European Steel Conference Prague, Czech Republic. Metal Bulletin Event http://www.infoshop-japan.com/conference/european-steel09/ |
October 19-23 | The5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Iron-making(ICSTI’09) Shanghai,China. The Chinese Society for Metals(CSM) http://www.csm.org.cn/icsti09/en/ |
October 19-23 | 6thInternational Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials(EPM 2009) Dresden, Germany. Forschungszentrum Dresden, SFB609, SIMAP http://www.epm2009.de/ First Announcement PDF |
October 21-24 | #The2nd InternationalSymposium on Steel Science (ISSS-2009) Strength, Plasticity and Fracture in Steels - Fundamentals and Novel Approaches for New Demands - Kyoto, Japan. Kansai Seminar House, Iron and Institute of Japan (ISIJ) http://www.steelscience.org/ |
October 25-29 | MaterialsScience & Technology 2008 Conference and Exhibition(MS&T`09) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.The American CeramicSociety(AcerS), Associationfor Iron& Steel Technology(AIST), ASM International), The Materials, Metals& Materials Society(TMS) http://www.matscitech.org |
October 25-27 | TheWorld Steel Industry Quito, Ecuador. Latin American Iron and Steel Institute(ILAFA) http://www.ilafa.org/ingles/events/Paginas/ILAFA50-Inicio.aspx |
October 26-29 | Magnesium8th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and thier Applications Weimar, Germany.Deutsche Gesellschaft fürMaterialkunde(DGM) http://www.dgm.de/magnesium |
November 2-4 | WorldScrap Metal Congress 2009 Shanghai, China.Terrapinn Holdings Ltd. http://www.com/2009/scrap/ |
November 8-12 | Asia-PacificGalvanizing Conference 2009 Cheju Korea. The Corrosion Science Society of Korea http://www.apgalva2009.com |
November 10-11 | MECASENS V (The 5th International Conference on Mechanical StressEvaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation) Mito, Japan. Japan Atomic Energy Agency http://nsrc.jaea.go.jp/mecasens-5/ |
November 10-12 | The17th Steelmaking Conference-7th Ironmaking Conference-1st Cleaner Production Seminar (IAS-JICA) Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia http://www.siderurgia.org.ar/conf09 |
November 12 | STAHL2009 Dusseldorf, Germany. Steel Institute VDEh. http://www.stahl-online.de/english/Stahltage/start.asp |
November 26-27 | Gasesin Steels London, UK. The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining http://www.iom3.org/events/gases |
November 28-30 | International Symposium onMaterial Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society --- Eco-materials and Eco-innovation for Global Sustainability--- HOTEL HANKYU EXPOPARK |
December 9-11 | International Conference onthe Advances in Theory of Ironmaking and Steelmaking Bangalore, India. Indian Institute of Science http://materials.iisc.ernet.in/~atis2009/ |