Call for Papers ISIJ International, Special Issue on “Challenges and Progress of Science and Methodology to Thermophysical Properties of Molten Alloys, Slags and Fluxes at High Temperatures” (23/03/2016)
Call for Papers
Thermophysical properties of materials, such as alloys, slags, fluxes, glasses and so on, at high temperatures are extremely important information for metallurgists and engineers to improve processes for manufacturing the materials as well as to design new technologies. Although the importance of thermophysical properties has been recognized well, there are only limited numbers of data in the literature and the accuracy is quite questionable due to the difficulties in high temperature experiments. The methodology for measurements for thermophysical properties has been improved and developed. Model prediction coupling with thermodynamic data and structural analysis has also been improved. Then, the reliability and understanding of these data has been extremely increased recently.
Under such a background, papers by general authors as well as the invited speakers in the 11th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC) held in Yokohama in October, 2016 are invited to contribute to this special issue. The Conference has been providing an outstanding international forum to present and discuss progresses in research and development and application in the field of thermophysical properties of a wide variety of systems. Scopes of the special issue are: (1) thermophysical data such as viscosity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, etc., (2) improvements of measurements techniques, (3) modeling of thermophysical properties, (4) thermophysical property evaluation based on structural analysis.
1. Submission of manuscript:
2. Schedule for issue: