Call for Papers ISIJ International, Special Issue on “Challenge and progress of process technology and fundamental research for the promotion of lime dissolution into slag” (17/03/2016)

Call for Papers
ISIJ International, Special Issue on
“Challenge and progress of process technology and fundamental research
for the promotion of lime dissolution into slag”

In the recent steelmaking process, improvement of rate and efficiency of hot metal pre-treatment is the issue of great importance, which can be realized by promotion of lime dissolution into the slag. Nowadays, remarkable developments have been made on seeds research for crushing of surrounding or boundary layer formed on lime by decomposed gas and ultrasonic vibration as well as fundamental research for thermodynamics and thermos-physical properties of related phases such as 2CaO・SiO2 solid solution and forming slag including elucidation of the lime dissolution mechanism.

Based on these recent trends in this field, this special issue aims to widely discuss the recent findings and call general reviews on process technology and fundamental research for the promotion of lime dissolution into slag

1. Scope:
Recent findings and general review on process technology and fundamental research for the promotion of lime dissolution into slag; (1)thermodynamics, (2)thermophysical property, (3)mechanism elucidation,  (4)refining process, (5)seeds technology by physico-chemical phenomenon.

2. Submission of manuscript:
1) Submission deadline is February 28, 2017.
2) Manuscript should be submitted in a style consistent with the “Instruction for Authors” and
“Guide for the Preparation of a Manuscript ” of ISIJ International.
3) The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the
following URL.
If you have any questions on the operation of electronic submission, please contact
the Editorial group of ISIJ. (E-mail:
4) Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following chief editor:
Name: Yoshinao KOBAYASHI
Affiliation: Tokyo Institute of Technology

3. Schedule for issue:
ISIJ International, Vol. 57 (2017), No. 10 (October, 2017)