Call for Papers ISIJ International, Special Issue on the "Creation of hydrogen-passive surfaces on steels to prevent of hydrogen embrittlement" (22/10/2014)

Call for Papers ISIJ International, Special Issue on the "Creation of hydrogen-passive surfaces on steels to prevent of hydrogen embrittlement"
 With the recent increasing demands for high-strength steels to reduce energy and resource use in automobile and construction, reduction in susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement of the steels become important to ensure reliability and safety. Corrosion plays an important role in hydrogen generation, inducing the hydrogen embrittlement. One way to mitigate hydrogen embrittlement is to create surfaces preventing entry of hydrogen into the steels, hydrogen-passive surfaces. To achieve the creation of hydrogen-passive surfaces, it is essential to know detail of the hydrogen entry process considering the properties of surfaces and interfaces. This special issue invites for review papers and original research papers about the prevention of hydrogen embrittlement of high-strength steels, especially addressing the hydrogen entry process highlighting interface phenomena.

1 . Scope:

Influence of composition, uniformity, and artificial layers of surface and interface on hydrogen entry process in relation to hydrogen embrittlement of high-strength steels during corrosion.
2 . Submission of manuscript:
1) Submission deadline is April 15th, 2015.
2) Manuscript should be submitted in a style consistent with the “Instruction for Authors” and
 “Guide for the Preparation of a Manuscript ” of ISIJ International.
3) The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the following URL.  
If you have any questions on the operation of electronic submission, please contact the Editorial group of ISIJ. (E-mail:
 Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following chief editor :
   Masatoshi SAKAIRI, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
   Tel: +81 (0)11-706-7111  Fax: +81(0) 11-706-7881  E-mail:

3. Schedule for issue:

ISIJ International, Vol. 56 (2016), No. 3 (March 15th, 2016)