The 157th ISIJ Meeting
March 28(Sat.)-30(Mon.), 2009 Tokyo Institute of Technology
If you hope to see each program
in details, you can select under-mentioned fields.
The Timetable
of the 157th ISIJ Meeting
March.28(Sat.) |
March.29(Sun.) |
March.30(Mon) |
a.m. |
p.m. |
a.m. |
p.m. |
a.m. |
p.m. |
Room 1 S612 |
process enabling low carbon consumption 1·2 [1-8](9:00-11:50) |
Ggeneral assembly Ceremony of conferment of the honorary membership
and prize awarding Special lecture meeting 12:35 I 17:00 |
(D)Control of reduction
equilibrium in blast furnace through vicinity arrangement of iron ore
and carbon [D1-12](9:00-17:00) |
activity on the CO2 reduction in the ironmaking field [Int.1-10](9:40-15:00) |
Room 2 S511 JIM-X |
[9-18](9:00-12:30) |
[44-50](9:20-11:50) |
(D)Fundamentals and applications
of multi-phase flow analysis [D13-24](13:00-17:30) |
ISIJ and JIM Joint Session Fundamentals and application of microwave
processing 1·2 [J35-42](9:00-11:50) Fundamentals and application of microwave
processing 3·4 [J43-49](13:00-15:30) |
Room 3 S126 |
and properties of sinter /Environmental application for sintering [19-25](9:30-12:00) |
[51-58](9:00-11:50) |
Production and properties of coke1·2 [59-70](13:00-17:30) |
engineer in ironmaking 1·2 [107-112](9:30-11:40) |
/Application of DEM to blast furnace [113-120](13:00-15:50) |
Room 4 S125 |
advance in the research of high temperature physicochemical property
and thermodynamics 1 [26-30](10:00-11:40) |
advance in the research of high temperature physicochemical property
and thermodynamics 2·3 [71-76](9:30-12:00) |
(D)Microstructure control
with inter-process cooperation [D85-91](13:00-17:20) |
and steel social dynamics [134](9:30-9:50) (D)Development of material
strategy model for resources and environment-2 [D25-33](10:00-14:40) |
Room 5 S322 |
[31-35](10:00-11:50) |
[77-81](10:00-11:50) |
[82-91](13:00-17:30) |
What must we do to improve the qualities of safety,
security and holonomy? (9:00-12:00)[Charge-free] |
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Room6 S011 |
[36-43](9:10-12:00) |
Fundamentals of solidification
1 [92-98](9:20-11:50) |
of solidification 2 /Microstructure analysis,estimation,control and modeling
supported by computational phase [99-106](13:00-15:50) |
Frontier ofnetron beam application to steel
research -Challenges to novel effects of alloying elements
on steel- (9:00-16:00)[Charge-free] |
Room 7 S512 |
energy steelmaking-1:Hydrogen production
and use for steelmaking 1·2 [334-340](9:00-11:30) |
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Advanced utilization and recycle of rare metals in
iron and steelmaking processes (13:00-16:45)[2,000yen] |
related technology/Cascade utilization technology of resource [341-346](9:20-11:30) |
utilization technology of resource (dust, sludge, slag, dross) 2 [347-349](13:00-14:00) |
Room 8 S323 |
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[135-142](9:00-11:50) |
(D)Research activities
in the research group on "Novel steel process control based on
on-line optimization technology" [D34-38](14:00-17:00) |
advance in the research of high temperature physicochemical property
and thermodynamics 4·5 [121-128](9:00-11:50) |
[129-133](13:00-14:50) |
Room 9 S621 |
property and simulation [143-149](9:20-11:50) |
Forming processes
of materials having low formability 1·2 [150-155](9:40-11:50) |
(D)Recent development
of rolling equipments and control technologies [D39-46](13:00-17:15) |
[156-161](9:50-12:00) |
and lubrication/Cooling [162-169](13:00-15:50) |
Room 10 S622 |
[170-177](9:00-11:50) |
[205-212](9:00-11:50) |
(D)Fracture of steel
tube and its numerical simulation: current status and problems [D47-52](13:00-16:50) |
and simulation of metallurgical phenomenon [244-248](9:50-11:30) |
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Room 11 S631 |
allowance with properties and production processes 1·2 [178-184](9:00-11:30) |
[213-219](9:20-11:50) |
(D)New technological
development of roll and lubricant [D53-59](13:00-17:00) |
[249-255](9:30-12:00) |
[256-263](13:00-15:50) |
Room 12 S632 |
[185-190](9:00-11:10) |
Present and future trends of levelling and straightening technology of rolled materials (9:50-17:30)[Member 2,000yen,Non-member
6,000yen] |
[264-268](10:00-11:40) |
[269-276](13:00-15:50) |
Room 13 S222 |
[191-197](9:20-11:50) |
(D)Fundamentals and novel
approaches for new demands on
mechanical properties of steels [D60-72](9:00-17:00) |
Materials science of ultrahigh plastic strain (9:00-15:00)[4,000yen] |
Room 14 S633 |
transformation 1·2 [198-204](9:20-11:50) |
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Nondestructive evaluation of ageing materials from
the viewpoint of microstructural changes (13:00-16:50)[Charge-free] |
[277-284](9:00-11:50) |
[285-291](13:00-15:30) |
Room 15 S634 |
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[220-227](9:10-12:00) |
Effect of alloying elements on strength and
workability of stainless steels and the development trend of resource-saving
stainless steels (13:00-17:00)[1,000yen] |
[292-296](10:00-11:40) |
[297-300](13:00-14:20) |
Room 16 S635 |
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Cut edge corrosion mechanisms and life predictions
of pre painted steel sheets for residential use (13:00-16:30)[1,000yen] |
[301-305](10:20-12:00) |
[306-310](13:00-14:40) |
Room 17 S638 JIM-W |
ISIJ and JIM Joint Session Ultrafine grained materials–fundamental aspects for
ultrafine grained structures 1·2 [J19-26](9:00-11:55) Ultrafine grained materials–fundamental aspects for
ultrafine grained structures 3·4 [J27-34](13:00-15:55) |
[228-233](9:20-11:30) |
[234-243](13:00-16:40) |
[311-315](10:20-12:00) |
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Room 18 S611 |
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analysis 1·2/Environmental analysis [316-321](9:30-11:40) |
(D)Newly analytical method
for [D73-84](13:00-17:30) |
[322-328](9:00-11:30) |
Evaluation of non-metallic
inclusion particles using the methods in [329-333](13:00-14:40) |
Room 19 JIM-T |
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ISIJ and JIM Joint Session Titanium and titanium alloys 1·2·3 [J1-9](9:00-12:20) Titanium and titanium alloys 4·5·6 [J10-18](13:20-16:40) |
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Get-together party HAPPO-EN (18:30-20:30) |
Poster session for students (12:00-15:00) ISIJ Beer Party (17:30-19:00) |
Board Meeting: Instrumentation, Control and System
Engineering March 30(Sun.) 13:00-13:50 Room8 Processing for Quality Products March 30(Sun.) 12:00-13:00 Room9 |
[ ]:Lecture Number ( ):Lecture Time